First Journal Entries

I called my grandparents around 6:15p to let them know I was catching the train and would be at their place around seven this past Tuesday evening. "Grandma, I'm coming over. Is that still okay?" I often worry that she doesn't remember. "Of course it's okay! What time are you coming over?" she asked, excitedly. "I'll be there around 7 to 7:15," I replied. "7:17?" she verified. "No, quarter after seven," I said. "Okay!" she said. When I drove up to their house, my grandfather was standing in the front yard by the gate. "You're right on time!" he said. "I knew you must have said 7:15. When you called, Grandma said you were going to be here in fifteen minutes so I came out here to wait for you!" I sighed. "I'm sorry, Ba," I said. "I told her 7 to 7:15!" "I know that's what you must have said. She didn't remember." I got my stuff out of the car...